Preserve Smart is no longer supported as a mobile phone app.
Please continue to use our website which includes all the same information and functionality.
Most recipes and instructions for home-preserved foods are developed at sea level and can present both food quality and food safety challenges for cooks living above 3,000 feet--which is everybody in Colorado!
Did You Know?
Colorado's lowpoint (3,315 feet above sea level at the Arikaree River in Yuma County) is the highest low point in the nation--higher than 18 states' high point!
Preserve Smart was developed by Colorado State University Extension in order to provide a trusted, mobile-friendly way to find and use tested food preservation recipes and instructions for manyelevations--from sea level to high in the Rocky Mountains!
Recipes and instructions provided are current, research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation as determined by Colorado State University Extension and the National Center for Home Food Preservation--established with funding from the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (CSREES-USDA).
THANKS to the many Colorado Master Food Safety Advisors who volunteered as reviewers for Preserve Smart--sharing their invaluable time and wisdom related to safe home food preservation!
Introduction to Preserve Smart. Learn how to set your elevation and the site features.
Ways to use Preserve Smart
Click on over 50 fruits and vegetables to explore safe preservation options for each.
Set the elevation tool to highlight the processing times in recipes for your elevation.
Use while shopping to determine ingredients, supplies, and equipment needed to preserve your favorite fruits and vegetables.
Know when fruits and vegetables are 'in season' throughout the U.S. using the Seasonal Food Guide.
Better understand food preservation terms using the Glossary.